Enlace Corporativo

Worldwide Offices

Remember we do not only tell you how to make a successful international business project, but we also supply your company with logistics tools which can take you to the next level and now ................ in Ecuador.

Why Ecuador?

Ecuador lies to the north of South America on the Pacific coast, giving it a strategic position within the continent by its shortcut from the Pacific Ocean, resulting in great benefit to the shipping companies for the optimization of time and resources to manage their loads.

Most of the trade is carried by sea, why are over 2,500 ships annually leaving the Ecuadorian ports. However, a significant fraction of foreign trade is carried by air.

Trade between Mexico and Ecuador has been favorable to Mexico in 2000-2010. In 2010, Mexican exports to Ecuador were $ 698 million while Mexican imports from Ecuador totaled $ 71 million, bringing the surplus amounted to US $ 627 million.

In 2010, among the main products exported by Mexico to Ecuador are the intubation tubes, some drugs, cell phones, automobiles and parts and shampoos. While some industrial products of chocolate and sweets, crude palm oil, prepared or preserved fish and blond tobacco were the main products imported by Mexico.

Remember we do not only tell you how to make a successful international business project, but we also supply your company with logistics tools which can take you to the next level and now ................ in Italy.

Italian Office

Why Italy?

According to the International Monetary Fund in 2008 it was the seventh world economy and the fourth in Europe.

It belongs to the G8, the European Union and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Foreign trade, developed mostly within the orbit of the EU, usually presenting a positive trade balance, the sixth country in the world exporting in 2008 with 546.900 million dólares.

Its GDP per capita (PPP) is $ 30.200 (estimated 2009), 101% of the EU-27 in 2007.

Is the 19th country with the highest human development index.

Milan and Rome are the 11th and the 18th most expensive cities in the world, as well as being Milan's 26 th with higher gross domestic product, with 115 billion dollars and yet 97% of Italian companies are SMEs (Small and Medium companies)

Access to more than 1.200 millions of consumers

• National market of 47 million inhabitants with a GDP per capita in PPP ($ 31,946) higher than the EU average (INE, 2010).
• More than 500 million consumers in Europe.
• Entry point to the countries of North Africa with 209 million consumers (World Bank 2010).
• Platform for South and Central America, with over 578 million consumers (World Bank 2010).

Spain Office

Why Spain?

- 12 th and 5 th global economy of the European Union.

- 7 No country received direct FDI stock

- 10 º investor in the world in terms of stock and 2 investor in Latin America.

- 7 th largest exporter of commercial services.

- Spain offers investment opportunities in sectors and high value added activities that are highly attractive to FDI because of its strong growth potential. In the last 5 years, 1 in 3 projects received have been in sectors with high technological value and a high degree of R & D + i.

- Within these sectors include ICT, environment and water treatment, biotechnology and health sciences, aeronautics and aerospace, and renewable energy.

- Location privileged view to the main markets of Southern Europe and Latin America.

- More than 10,300 foreign companies established in Spain, of which 75 are among the multinationals in the Top-100 FORBES.

Remember we do not only tell you how to make a succesfull international trade project but we also have the logistic tools to take your project into the next level now........ in Brazil.

Brazilian Office

Why Brazil?

Being the biggest territory in South Amercia and the fifth in population, Brazil, nowadays is consolidating as a commercial giant oppening its doors to the world.

Between Brazil and Mexico there is an Economic Complementary Agreement (ACE 53) which reduces or eliminates extra taxes in order offer greater trading advantages among these two nations.

Enlace Corporativo is p roud to present its new offices located in Sao Paulo City which you could have the chance to take your projects to the next level under the same high quality standards which have made us unique in Mexico.

Remember we don´t only tell you how to get the most out of your international trade project, but we also give you all the tools needed to acomplish your mission. and take it the nexte level now in ................. Canada.

Canadian Office

Why Canada?

Canada is a highly industrial and technological country; autosuficient in energy and with relatively extense deposits of oil, nuclear and hidroelectric energy generation.

Being one of the mos developed countries in the world, it has a diversified economy which makes it independent due to its great natural resources and tis international trade; specially with the United States.

North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) widen the free trade zone to include Mexico in 1990. This represents a huge opportunity to develope mutual businesses.

According to the Trade Forecast Research, the semiannual report by HSBC which predicts the course of foreign trade, Argentina will grow by 162.79% between 2012 and 2016 on the International Trade arena and the global trend for this sector will be positive.

Argentinian Office

Why Argentina?

From 2000 to 2011 trade flows between Mexico and Argentina showed a positive trend as it recorded a cumulative growth rate of 416%, going from 584 million dollars in 2000 to 3.020 million in 2011.

In the framework of ALADI, the commercial relationship between Mexico and Argentina is governed by the Economic Complementation Agreement No. 6 and No. 55 and by the Regional Tariff Preference (AR.PAR N ° 4). These agreements allow Mexican products to enter the Argentine market on preferential terms.

With the ACE 6 both countries grant tariff preferences in about 40% of the 12,000 product classifications that make all the general rate of imports.

In the first quarter of 2012, Mexico has accumulated a surplus of $ 376 million, with exports and imports by 600 million 224 million.